Tomato Bread Salad


Did I mention that Rachel is really liking tomatoes this year? She has never liked tomatoes but each year really wants to since they are so lovely and I force her to plant tons of them. Well, with her newly found love we have been making bread salad full of tomatoes over and over. Our CSA comes with a loaf of bread on pickup at Grand Central Bakery, which these days means that the day after we usually have some beautiful tomatoes and a heal of crusty bread. perfect. The photo shows a version probably breadier than we usually make it and with mostly cherry tomatoes and some other small varieties from the garden, but the best is a salad heavy on big, meaty heirloom varieties. We typically toast the bread in the oven with some garlic and olive oil rubbed on then toss with tomatoes, some herbs from the garden (basil, lemon verbena, parsley sometimes). I like to make a vinaigrette with a touch of balsamic vinegar, but sometimes we just use olive oil and salt, then some mozzarella or a time or two we have tossed in some feta because its what we had (it works when the tomatoes are really flavorful but might overpower some). So easy. Oh hey, just noticed that this salad in the picture has fried capers too. Fun.

2 Comments on “Tomato Bread Salad”

  1. Jennifer Werdel says:

    You mention CSA a lot and I am not familiar. Can you share what it is? Love the Panzanella salad, BTW.

    • Jon Austin says:

      Hi Jen! The CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Basically a subscription to a farm – you pay the farmer at the beginning of the season when they need the capital, then they deliver a bunch of produce weekly to shareholders. Some of them work a little differently, but thats how ours works. It was really fun the first year we did it because it introduced us to some stuff that was new to us – padron peppers, some really tasty turnip varieties, delicata squash, okay, I think I need a snack now.

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