Kale Salad with Quinoa

Our friend Amy got us hooked on this recipe from YumUniverse. A great spot for vegetarian recipes – okay I assume it is, but I haven’t really ventured beyond this one which is super tasty. We cook up some quinoa and combine it with a sauce with a base of nutritional yeast and tahini. The recipe also calls for cashews which we don’t usually have so I usually omit them. The recipe also says to soak the cashews which I invariably forget to do if I have them and then if I toss them in raw the sauce comes out a little chalky. It also calls for coconut oil which doesn’t sound like a great fit, but maybe it is delicious.

Okay, I picked that apart too much. Oh well, the dish is yummy and nutritious so give it a try. If you’re like me you can’t resist kale when it is looking really fresh and green (or red if you prefer that). This is a great way to eat it raw as it is simply tossed with the warm sauce and quinoa.

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